Online with Jennifer Hanning

* Graduate of VIYETT ~ Advanced Diploma
* International Alliance of Holistic Therapists ~ Diploma

* Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Kundalini Yoga
Yoga Sculpt, Yoga Nidra, Pranayama, Meditation

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Bulletin Board

💟️ Sample Video 💟️

Yoga Nidra Meditation (30 mins)
Deep relaxation for body and mind

Click here

Online Classes Timetable
* You don't have to be flexible to do yoga – practise yoga and become flexible *



Stretch, Strengthen & Tone
Optimise distribution of
PRANA and Oxygen
Strength & Definition
Tone the Muscles
Shape the Body
and Invigorate!
Active Self-Healing 
Breathe, Stretch
and Meditate
   Optimise Health of Body Mind & Spirit
Improve Lung function
your Whole Being  
BREATHWORK & Visualisation
Scroll for Details and Benefits
 YIN Yoga

(see 1st Friday below)

 LETTING GO of long-held tensions  
Juicier JOINTS and SERENE mind
Core Muscle Focus
Lose Belly Fat
Trim the Waistline
Full Body Workout!
1st Friday
of Month
 SPINAL Rejuvenation

 Gentle TLC for the Spine - 20 Minutes  
Total Systematic Relaxation - 40 mins

for 1 hour class,
for 30 min class

Package Option 1:
Purchase ANY AMOUNT of credit OVER $50
= One hour YOGA Classes—$7.50 per class
Half-hour Classes 💟️ $5 per class

**Example for Option 1:**
$90 provides 12 one hour Yoga Classes
or 18 half-hour classes
or any combination of both

Package Option 2:
Purchase credit for $50 or less - ($6 min)
= One hour YOGA Classes—$9.00 per class
Half-hour Classes 💟️ $6 per class

*No expiry date on your credit
*Balance at 'insufficient credit level' adds onto next purchase
* Monthly Membership remains @ $80pcmUnlimited classes

Payment Methods
Payment Option 1: Direct Transfer (Australia)
BSB: 013400
Account No: 182808683
* Please include your name for my record keeping

Payment Option 2: Paypal Account:(Overseas)

If this is your first class, please introduce yourself
Email: jen@jenniferhanning.com
Include any issues or concerns you may have

* Once you have booked your first class I will email the Zoom Login for all classes.
* No bookings required after your first class.

NB: By attending classes you are agreeing with the following statement:
"I understand that Jennie's first priority is to keep me safe, and her intention is to
assist me in improving my health, strength, and flexibility.
Therefore, I agree to work within my own limitations, and I acknowledge that it is my
responsibility to inform Jennie of any new health conditions."

What you Need

The ZOOM App
YOGA MAT and any props you might need
Examples: Blanket, bolster, wall, strap, block, chair, etc.

Enquiries are most welcome
Email: jen@jenniferhanning.com

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Private Sessions
Yoga or Meditation,
or a combination of both - $90 per hour
Small group or family- $100 per hour
20% concession for one-on-one with a referral from a doctor
Private sessions are generally conducted in East St Kilda or Caulfield South.

!! NB: Private sessions are on hold until further notice !!

** Descriptions of Class Styles **

A Note from your Teacher
I began writing a book on recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and I wasn't far into it when I realised that the steps and exercises in my Recovery Method could help other afflictions as well; e.g. anxiety, depression, long covid, guilt, anger, apathy, or constant tiredness which is not to be confused with chronic fatigue. One difference between fatigue and tiredness is that you can sleep off tiredness. With fatigue, afternoon napping is a welcome timeout but one wakes up just as drained and exhausted.

I have recently recovered from four and a half years of fatigue, although only the final 18 months were chronic. Thankfully I began journalising my health journey when I became Stage Four from metastatic melanoma cancer, so all my research and experiments have been recorded. I ended up developing a method that facilitated my recovery, even though several doctors told me there was no cure for CFS as yet; not when everything in your blood tests and scans show up fine.

CFS is debilitating and demoralising, and I imagine the other conditions I mentioned above probably are too. It is my fervent desire to help people out of the gloom and recapture their brighter and happier life, as have I.

In future, I hope to publish my book, 'Reclaim Your Vitality', which will contain in-depth knowledge on what lies behind my method. In the meantime, I believe these short sessions will give a head start to anyone who wants to begin improving immediately.


When one hears the words 'mental health' they generally associate it with people suffering from mental health problems. However, we all have a state of mental health, and there is no need to wait until an issue arises before giving ourselves TLC. Many physical issues, such as body tiredness and stiffness or tension, are born through deeply buried stresses and burdens that we are unaware we are carrying.

These sessions consist of breath-work to regulate and balance the Autonomous Nervous System, along with healing meditations to restore our mental and emotional wellbeing. We finish an easy-to-do, seated energy-boosting physical sequence.

Cost is as for a 30 minute class but please allow for a few minutes extra. Each session includes an often powerful release of what has subconsciously been holding us back from excellent health and vitality, and I would not want to rush the ending.

! Energy Boost !

(On hold until after winter)

These short, early(ish) classes are designed to boost our energy levels and uplift our motivation for the rest of the day. If we can get the mind and body energy moving right from the start, it's easier to continue throughout the day, physically and mentally.

Having said that, some people like to Cruise into the Day in a more relaxed state. Therefore there is an option to do the exercises and breathing practices at a slower and calmer rate. The boost effect will be more pleasant than charged.

Both Energy and Cruise mode have the same Breath practices and Yoga moves and will end with a few minutes of complete relaxation, or a short meditation.


Active Self-Healing

We all need healing. None of us is perfect and even when we're feeling fine, there is always potential for improvement in health. Sometimes it's physical, at other times it could be mental or emotional. And then there are the times when we need spiritual healing.

This class is driven by the Power and Control of the Breath.
Breath is life... Life is breath, and we cannot have one without the other.
Breathing efficiently and effectively helps us to become the
healthiest version of ourselves that we could possibly be,
which is imperative to living a happy life, energised and peaceful.

We continue to breathe mindfully as we move gently, incorporating yoga moves
to stretch in all directions. In this way we rejuvenate the spine
and give TLC to the internal workings of the whole body.

This class has periods of Meditation to integrate Breath and Movement,
plus a Guided Healing Visualisation at the end.

Yoga Sculpt  

We're never too old or too young to improve the way we look and feel. When we work on better muscle tone and body shape, we become healthier in every way.

Yoga Sculpt classes are short and invigorating. The exercises are moderately easy but will require persistence and dedication to ramp up stamina.

Streamline the body into a better shape, but remember that your
true beauty begins deep within, shining out through your smile and eyes.


Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is simple, however that does not mean it is always easy.
Due to limited flexibility, some may find holding a few of the positions a little demanding at first, while others may have difficulty finding the patience necessary to relax completely. With gentle guidance, both of these challenges can be overcome relatively easily.

Yin Yoga incorporates Pranayama Breath Control, distributing vital life force energy throughout the whole body. As well as having a calming and energising effect, Pranayama is an excellent way to nourish all our cells with oxygen and nutrients, and remove toxic debris from the body. Yin Yoga is like needleless acupuncture, eliminating energy blocks from meridian pathways.

This meditative and relaxing class suits everyone. Age or lack of yoga experience is irrelevant.
Scroll down for more benefits on the practice of Yin Yoga.


Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga enhances well-being physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Physically and energetically, muscles are strengthened and toned.
All the internal systems become balanced and harmonised.

Breathing deeply and smoothly into postures improves the circulatory system,
We ensure the distribution of an optimal supply of oxygen to all our organs and cells.
Every cell needs oxygen to survive.

Long, slow exhalations improve the functionality of the calming Vagal Nervous System.
This class also stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding detoxification.

My Hatha Yoga classes are suitable for beginners and those at intermediate level.
Variations are given for more gentle or more challenging preferences.
For example, the above pose could be done lying on the floor on one's side, using a strap around the foot.

We Relax in Savasana at the end of each class.
Your neuromuscular system then integrates all you did during your physical practice.
In Savasana, we let go of any residual tensions, physical, mental or emotional.


Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra induces complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation.
Some do this practice regularly because it helps them get a better night's sleep, others because they discover they can handle life's troubles and frustrations more calmly.

However there is so much more to Yoga Nidra.

Lying in stillness and covered with a blanket, you will relax your whole body completely. You will then be guided into the Theta Brain Waves State. The Theta state, also known as the Hypnoyogic state, is the dividing line between being asleep and awake. The brain wave cycles are gradually slowed down so that the conscious mind settles into complete rest.

When resting this deeply there is no judging, analysing, worrying, decision-making, etc.
This is a perfect time to plant the seed of your Sankalpa into your subconscious mind.
A Sankalpa is a positive intention to improve your life, or perhaps achieve a goal.

In the Theta Brain Wave state, your mind is very powerful.
Your Deeper and Higher Self will assist to ensure your resolution comes to fruition.
Of course, you must do your bit consciously too as you continue with daily life, not just sit back to see what happens!

Know the path you want to take, and you can become the Director of your Life.

For more information on the Benefits of Yoga Nidra and the Sankalpa - including how to choose your Sankalpa, please email your request for an excerpt from one of my books,
'Stepping Stones to Meditation'.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of self awareness and rejuvenation. Sequences are designed to remove toxins and awaken dormant energy as we work through the Chakras, our subtle energy centres. This practice provides a great opportunity to cleanse the lungs with Breath of Fire.

Dynamic movement combined with Breath of Fire releases endorphins, which are feel good hormones. Participants leave the class feeling strong and energised, and at the same time clear-headed and happy.

Socrates said, "If you would seek health, first look to the spine." If we did not have calendars, our age would probably be measured by the health and flexibility of the spine.

Kundalini Yoga keeps the spine strong and flexible, ensuring that we carry ourselves in a youthful and confident manner.

NB: In my Kundalini Yoga class I invite everyone to go at their own pace.
For Kundalini Awakening, (advanced and intense) you need a qualified Kundalini Master.


More on Yin Yoga

My love of Yin Yoga came as a bit of a surprise to me as it looked like a lot of lying around doing nothing.I discovered it does indeed involve a lot of doing not much at all, however after my first class I was hooked.

This is not to say others will love it quite so readily; as a Meditation teacher I was already well-practised in the art of relaxation and mindful breathing.

Learning to relax deeply for anyone who is stressed or overly busy can take a little time and dedication. However the benefits of Yin Yoga do begin on Day One, even if they are too subtle to appreciate fully at the time.

As blockages in the energy channels dissolve, you will feel lighter, more energised and yet deeply relaxed. The breathing techniques can make your practice serenely meditative.

In Yin Yoga, most postures are done at floor level and are held for several minutes. This is to give the muscles time to soften and relax totally.

Our muscles (and organs) are contained in a network of connective tissue called fascia, which is similar to cling wrap. However when muscles are tight, fascia becomes more like shrink wrap.

Letting go into stillness in certain positions gives time for the fascia to soften and rehydrate. The muscles are then able to move more fluidly.

The muscles completely relax in Yin Yoga positions, and then other connective tissues, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage begin to receive TLC. As they soften into gentle traction, they become rehydrated and more flexible.

Synovial fluids will then flow more freely... becoming juicy.
You will notice more comfort and ease of movement in everyday life.

Hatha and Yin Yoga should not be seen as a one-or-the-other choice, rather they are complementary for each other. While Yin Yoga allows time and space for synovial fluids to flow freely and rehydrate the joint mechanisms, a yang practice such as Hatha Yoga strengthens and tones.

Muscle strength
is necessary to support the joint flexibility we achieve through the more passive practice of Yin Yoga.

Enquiries: jen@jenniferhanning.com

My Facebook Page